Office of the Registrar

Dr. Shree Bhagavan Thakur
Madhesh Agricultural University
Dr. Shree Bhagavan Thakur assumed the responsibility of the first registrar of the Madhesh Agricultural University, Rajbiraj, Saptari on 23rd May, 2022. Dr. Thakur had been in the position of the Adjunct Professor in Purwanchal University, Himalayan College of Agricultural Science and Technology, Kathmandu and Tribhuwan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science Campus, Kirtipur since September 2016. Dr. Thakur holds the member of Subject Matter Committee of Purwanchal University. Even prior to that, he had accomplished consultancy services as the National Climate Change Expert in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Project of United Nations Environment Program (UNEP); Climate Change Adaptation workshop facilitation in BCRN/FAO/Nature Conservation, Kathmandu; Climate change adaptation handbook documentation in Grow-Innova, Kathmandu, Climate resilient scaling and documentation team member in Care Nepal; Training facilitator-Local Institution Self-Assessment ( LISA ) in MoFAGA/ PLGSP/PPGG; Climate change resilient livelihood analysis consultant in MANDWI/VSO; Resource book preparation & Training expert in WWF, and Drought impact economic analysis consultant in UNDP/NPC/PEF .
Dr. Thakur had been the Thematic Lead of Agriculture, Food security and Nutrition with National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process under then Ministry of Environment and Population funded by UK-Aid during May 2016 to June 2017, making it his service in that important position. Dr. Thakur had been with UN agencies (UNDP, FAO, UNEP) during Feb 2010 to Jan 2021 making it his one decade service in important position like Agriculture Specialist under Livelihood Recovery Project, Regional Livelihood and Local Economic Development Expert under Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Livelihood Development and Gender Expert and National Climate Change Policy Specialist under FAO, and National climate change policy expert under UNEP. He had been District Program Advisor during July 2004 to October 2008 in Agriculture Perspective Plan Support Program (APPSP) led by then Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives funded by DFID. He was also contributed in Helvetas of SDC as Program Officer during March 2009- Feb 2010. He had also worked for national NGO- CEAPRED and LIBIRD as Project/ Program Coordinator for 5 years. He possesses over two decades of working experience at various responsibilities in multi-sectoral fields, diverse geography and renowned organizations.
Dr. Thakur has received many trainings (Planning Tools and Techniques, IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in vegetable, sustainable soil management practices, Vegetable Seed Production, Gender Equity, Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Appreciative Inquiry Approach, Soil Ecology, Agro forestry , Conflict Management, Basic Risk Management, Small Irrigation and Market Initiative, Value Chain and BDS approach, Community Based Biodiversity Management, Regional Climate Change Adaptation, Financial Literacy, Facilitating Dialogue and Change, Do No Harm Approaches, Local Level Planning, Climate resilient livelihood strategy, and Local Institution Self Assessment) and also delivered various trainings (SSM- practices, IPM tools in vegetables, Off-season vegetable production, Vegetable seed production, climate resilient agriculture, sustainable livelihood, governance, DNH, sustainable land management, local level planning, cooperative management, climate change vulnerability and risk assessment, high tech vegetable production, gender equality) to variety of stakeholders. He has attended several national and international meetings, workshops, seminars and summit. He has produced and published many valuable articles, knowledge materials (books, booklets, handbook, pumphlets, flayers, etc.) and publications, published in regional, national daily, national and international journals, magazines, proceedings.
Dr. Thakur is having capacity of programme/project need identification, strategy planning, designing, agribusiness plan development, market linkages, value chain development; information based planning, implementation, facilitation, policy dialogue, advocacy, capacity building, institutional development (cooperative), monitoring & quality assurance; evaluation, coordination and linkages, documentation of success cases and lessons learned and reporting the progresses.
Dr. Thakur is a graduate of Agricultural Science (1998) from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, INDIA through Nepal Aid Fund; holds Master’s Degree in Agriculture Science, (Plant Breeding) from Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa, INDIA, (2000) dissertation on Genetic variability in self-compatibility and yield component traits in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under ICAR & state Govt. support and Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture Plant Breeding from Tribhuvan University (2014) dissertation on Variability on component traits of pod yield, drought tolerant and leaf spot resistance of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea l.) with NARDF grant. He also obtained a Junior Technical Assistant course in Animal Science in 1990.
Dr. Thakur was awarded with Bidhya Bhushan Padak “Ka” from Rt. Hon’ble President Vidya Devi Bhandari, Srijanshil Samaj Sirsiya, best staff award in APPSP/DFID, and best performance award in CEAPRED.
Dr. Thakur has born on 24 July 1972 in Gaur-9, Sirsiya of Rautahat district, Nepal. He is a member of Shrijanshil Samaj Sirsiya and Founder of Human Service Center, Rautahat.
Dr. Thakur has born on 24 July 1972 in Gaur-9, Sirsiya of Rautahat district, Nepal. He is a member of Shrijanshil Samaj Sirsiya and Founder of Human Service Center, Rautahat.